Medicare Plans by Turning 65 Solutions


Senior Texas couple celebrating new year after signing up for great medicare plan.

New Braunfels Texas Medicare Office

If you’re looking for an agency to help with your Medicare insurance options, look no further than New Braunfels, Texas. We’ve got an office located in New Braunfels and are ready to help Texas residents with their Medicare needs!

You may wonder why you should choose to work with a local, independent agency to help you enroll in the different aspects of Medicare. We’ve got a few reasons for you to consider.

We’ll teach you all you need to know about Medicare.

Medicare is confusing. And it can be very time-consuming if you’re trying to teach yourself all the parts and pieces that makeup Medicare benefits. There are so many options to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start.

We’ll teach you about the basics of Medicare coverage. We’ll talk about Parts A and B of Original Medicare, and then everything else that you can add on after that. We won’t just give you one option – we’ll go over all of them that are available in New Braunfels, Texas. After we find out what your specific needs are, we’ll help you narrow down those options to the one that makes sense for you.

Basically, the two options you have after Original Medicare are either enrolling in a Medicare supplement or a Medicare Advantage plan. Almost everyone can choose one or the other, so it’s important that no matter who you work with, that they help you understand the differences between these two choices.

We’ll give you a variety of carrier options.

We are an independent agency. That means that we can offer you plans from more than just one insurance carrier. In fact, there are about 20 different carriers you can choose from. This way, you can find the carrier that has the best rates.

On the contrary, if you call Company X for a Medicare supplement, they aren’t going to tell you if they are more or less expensive than their competitors. Instead of you calling to get quotes from several companies, we can look at all of that for you. We do not have loyalty to just one company.

If you choose a Medicare agent in New Braunfels, Texas, one who understands the local resources, that agent will also be able to tell you (or help you research) what types of providers are available in your area. This is another important consideration because depending on the type of coverage you enroll in, you may need to seek a specific provider.

Texas State Flag waving as seniors look for best medicare options in Texas.
Our Medicare agents in New Braunfels, Texas will take care of all that for you.

We’ll provide excellent customer service.

 Choosing an independent agent for your Medicare needs will ensure that you always get great customer service. It is common to have questions after you enroll, and we will always be there to answer those questions. We’ll keep you updated on changes that happen during the year and how those changes may impact your premiums or coverage.

You won’t get that kind of customer service or support if you work with the random telemarketer that calls you out of the blue. You’ll never speak to them after the initial phone call – you’ll become a number and be lost in their sea of customers.

We’ll do most of the work for you.

No one likes doing paperwork and there is A TON of it for Medicare policies. Some of the supplemental enrollment forms can be 10-15 pages long – in tiny print! Our Medicare agents in New Braunfels, Texas will take care of all that for you. You’ll answer a few questions and they’ll fill in all the blanks.

And, as we mentioned earlier, your agent is going to sort through all of your options. After finding out what you are looking for, they’ll compare the coverage and cost of many different plans, finding you the one that fits your needs and at a rate, you are comfortable with.

We’re rewarded if you like your Texas Medicare plan.

There is no cost to work with us. You pay us no fees and your premiums are not higher simply because you utilize our services.

But of course, we are a business that makes money. If we enroll you in a plan, we do get a commission from the insurance company that you choose. However, if you decide you don’t like that plan – now or in the future – we lose that commission. This works great for you – we have an incentive for you to like your plan, so we work hard to make sure it’s a great fit for you.

That’s not how it works for the telemarketers who are calling you. They have numbers to hit each month and if you decide to cancel your plan the following month, they’ll never even notice.

In New Braunfels, Texas, your best interests are in our best interests.

There are more than just these few reasons that you should choose to work with one of our Medicare agents in New Braunfels, Texas. You can put a face to the name you’re working with, and no one knows the local healthcare landscape as we do.

If you’ve got more questions about working with us, don’t hesitate to reach out! Call us today and we can schedule a complimentary consultation.

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